Pictured above is Louisville Head Coach Rick Pitino. He's currently involved in an ongoing extortion case. From The NY Post:
"LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino told a jury Wednesday that a woman accused of demanding millions from him initiated sex by whispering to him and unzipping his pants in an empty Italian restaurant.
Pitino testified Wednesday that he met Karen Cunagin Sypher on July 31, 2003, at the restaurant where he'd gone following a golf outing.
Pitino, who's married, said he bought Sypher a drink and the two exchanged small talk after the restaurant closed.
When he got up to leave, Pitino said she whispered something, opened his pants and the two then had sex "very briefly."
"Unfortunate things happen," Pitino said.
Sypher is charged with extortion, asking for cash, cars and a house to stay quiet about the sexual liaison. She has pleaded not guilty, claiming Pitino sexually assaulted her. Police and prosecutors have said her assault claim lacked merit.
A packed federal courtroom watched Pitino's testimony. Sypher, sitting a few feet away at the defense table, appeared unfazed.
Bottom line: If you're married, especially in the celebrity, stay faithful. You'll get found out if you don't. In addition gotta filter out the golddiggers & users. Her persistent behavior was a big red flag.
Background Intel:
NY Post: Pitino: 'Extort' woman seduced me at restaurant
Bonus From Deadspin: FBI Criminal Complaint Against Karen Cunagin Sypher