Pictured above is Suzette Reed, the latest female teacher sex scandal. From the Clarinda Herald Journal:
"The teacher, Suzette Reed, resigned her teaching position earlier this month. Prior to her resignation, Reed told Clarinda High School principal Theresa Nook that she had sexual relations with the former CHS senior beginning in early July, after the then-17-year-old student had graduated, according to the report by DCI Special Agent Daniel Dawson.
The teacher, Suzette Reed, resigned her teaching position earlier this month. Prior to her resignation, Reed told Clarinda High School principal Theresa Nook that she had sexual relations with the former CHS senior beginning in early July, after the then-17-year-old student had graduated, according to the report by DCI Special Agent Daniel Dawson.
A female student told Dawson, however, “it was common knowledge amongst the student body Mrs. Reed and [the student] were having a sexual relationship,” during the last six months of the 2009-10 school year. Reed’s husband, Robert, told the investigator he was aware of a sexual relationship between his wife and the former student.
Robert Reed, a Clarinda police officer who is currently deployed with the Iowa National Guard for training for deployment to Afghanistan, told Dawson that the student had been coming to the Reed’s home “once or twice a week for over six months to receive tutoring in math.”
Dawson reported Robert Reed became suspicious and confronted his wife, who admitted to having a sexual relationship with her student that began June 16. The husband also told Dawson he had searched his wife’s personal laptop computer and discovered multiple photographs of the student, including one of his wife and the student lying next to each other in a suggestive pose and appearing to be without shirts."
Really sad. This woman is in line to lose her teaching certificate, her husband, and her freedom in one fell swoop. Hope he was worth it.
Clarinda Herald Journal: Student: Teacher’s relationship 'common knowledge' for months
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