Just when I thought I've read it all, This came down the pike. Here's an excerpt. HT Huffington Post:
"At the essence of every woman's heart is the divine feminine. It contains everything that has ever been beautiful, or lovely, or inspiring, in any woman, anywhere, at any time. The very essence of every woman's heart is the peak of wisdom, the peak of inspiration, the peak of sexual desirability, the peak of soothing, healing love. The peak of everything. But it's protected, for good reason, by a series of concentric walls. To move inwardly from one wall to the next requires that you intensify your capacity to devotion, and as you do so, you are rewarded with Grace. This is not something you can negotiate verbally with a woman. She doesn't even know consciously how to open those gates herself. They are opened magically and invisibly by the keys of worship."
Many women have commented on this peice loving it. Not surprising since this is romance novel type writing. I've seen men worship women only to be divorced and financially ruined. True happiness comes from within. If you can't fill yourself up first with love, you have nothing to give anyone else. Putting women on pedestals is part of the problem, not the solution. Women dump men who do this, because they're not satisfied.
Then there's this: Love is reciprocal. There are many women living with their hearts closed. The article doesn't address that. What about women paying attention to the masculine essence? The article doesn't address that either. There are plenty of programs to help men understand women, not so many the other way around. Consequently, a lot of women don't understand men, and can't give a man what he needs.
Bottom Line: I rather live free to love than be a slave for a few crumbs of a woman's affection.
Background Intel:
Huffington Post: Why It Is Wise to Worship a Woman
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