Picture yourself as a juror hearing this case. From News.com Australia:
"A Northern Territory man said he could see into the future and told a Japanese tourist she would die if they did not have sex on a "sacred site," a court was told.
The woman said the man told her he could see her dying in hospital in three years time if she rejected his advances while at Ubirr Rock, a popular Kakadu site of ancient cave art, reported the NTnews.
The woman's allegations were heard at a committal hearing in Darwin Magistrate's Court this week.
Magistrate Michael Carey dismissed the four charges of sexual intercourse without consent against the man saying the woman's evidence was unreliable, contradictory in some places and "did not hang together".
"There is no way (a jury) would convict on her evidence," Mr Carey said.
The woman alleged she was raped four times over October 16 and 17 last year at Ubirr Rock and the man's Jabiru home 40km southwest of the tourist attraction.
Doctor Tracey Johns, who later examined the woman, told the court her patient said he had manipulated her into staying at his house while he fixed her tyre by talking about the dangers of camping in Kakadu.
Prosecutor Georgia McMasters said the Crown's case was that the woman did not have the ability to say no because her will was over powered by him.
"She was not allowed to reject him," Ms McMaster's said.
When interviewed the woman, who had limited english said; "I had no option but to follow because I was scared, I was told I could no longer say no in this sacred place. I was told if I reject I will die, someone did because of rejecting."
Magistrate Carey said the woman did not indicate a lack of consent to the sexual encounters.
He said she may have been, "incredibly naive or gullible".
May have been? The women I know would've seen this as a man's pathetic attempt to get laid.
Background Intel:
News.com Australia: Japanese tourist claims man told her: 'You must have sex with me or die'
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