Pictured above is Zhanna Smsarian. She was arrested for committing an acid attack against a classmate. She admitted her crime to the cops, that "she wanted to burn the victim's eyes out and saying she got what she deserved."
Her target knew something was going down. From the NY Post:
"During [the class before chemistry, Smsarian] was staring at me and giving me an evil grin," Eshimbaeva said. "That made me uncomfortable - somehow I knew something was gonna happen."
When the two went to chemistry class, Eshimbaeva said that Smsarian was getting more aggressive and even stole her assigned seat.
But Eshimbaeva was unfazed - until class ended.
"She was standing behind me - I felt it," Eshimbaeva said. "I felt something was coming. All of a sudden I feel liquid flowing down my forehead. I thought it was water, until I turned and saw the beaker in her hand thahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gift had the acid label. Then my skin started burning."
"She should be brought to justice," Eshimbaeva said."
Bottom line: Girls are vicious towards each other and school boards will probably consider if they should continue to have chemistry class.
Background Intel:
NY Post: Brooklyn high school girl attacked classmate with acid: cops
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