Looks like brett Favre's been a naughty boy. From Deadspin:
"Here's another reason Brett Favre should stay retired this time: Turns out The Daily Line's Jenn Sterger has kept a ridiculously disturbing (but HILARIOUS) secret about her interactions with The Gunslinger while they were both part of the Jets organization.
For those who don't know (or forget) who Jenn Sterger is: formerly buxom Florida State Cowgirl who gained internet notoriety for being a buxom Florida State fan (pictured below) who parlayed that popularity into a full-time career. She did Maxim shoots. Playboy shoots. She wrote a "Confessions of a Cowgirl" column for Sports Illustrated. Then, in 2008, Ms. Sterger joined the Jets as an in-house sideline reporter. It was during that fateful time that her and Mr. Favre's paths began to cross. Sort of.

Sterger claimed she spurned Favre's advances because he was married, but also because she was working for the Jets at the time she didn't think it was the best idea to start a torrid affair with the team's highest profile player (the Jets have not responded to a question about any knowledge of the Favre/Sterger saga at this time). Plus, if she went forward with how aggressive he was and how skeeved out she was to some of her superiors, she suspected she might lose her job. The interactions were flirty and strange but she didn't think there wasn't anything that made her too uncomfortable. But then, one night, Sterger received a picture on her phone which was so shocking that she just tossed it across the room. It was his dick. Brett Favre's dick. And it happened multiple times. In fact, Sterger claims that, in one of the photos Favre allegedly sent her, he's masturbating — while wearing a pair of Crocs. And I was told by her to keep my big mouth shut. Here's her email to me on February 15, 2010:
I like ya AJ... and if there is a way to expose this dude for the creepy douche he is WITHOUT me being attached to it in any way that is fine. I just want to make it clear I never met him, saw him, etc... because I don't roll that way. That way meaning old.. or married. Some big boobed hoes have morals and souls believe it or not..
And there's no real evidence that Favre's been horndoggin' it throughout the latter part of his NFL career. Maybe he was just lonely while he spent time in New York and sought some companionship with Sterger who, if you hadn't noticed, does resemble his wife, Deanna. One thing that is notable is this: it turns out that Brett watched last year's Super Bowl at home in Mississippi. He didn't watch it alone, however. According to one source, he watched the Saints miraculously defeat the Colts in the company of one special guest: Tiger Woods. I wonder what those guys talked about?"
I wonder too given what happened with Tiger this year. Brett, what were you thinking? you're basically one step away from a John Edwards situation. God help his wife.
Background Intel:
Deadspin: Brett Favre Once Sent Me Cock Shots': Not A Love Story
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