Looks like some Moms in NYC didn't take very kindly to Gisele Bundchen's statements.
In a follow up to the Gisele Bundchen: Mothers Should Breastfeed By Global Mandate post, the supermodel has ticked off a lot of women. From The NY Post:
"The response? Regular New York mommies everywhere are dropping their formula in disgust.
Not only did Gisele inspire more than 500 comments railing against her on US magazine’s Web site, she’s even angered breastfeeding advocacy group La Leche League International. And that’s saying something.
“One mother doesn’t have to be wrong so that another mother can be right,” says the league’s Executive Director Barbara Emanuel, who notes that Gisele never contacted the organization to get involved. “There are lots of choices out there for women, and La Leche League respects those choices.”
Regular moms, who often have to work 9-to-5 after just three months of maternity leave, or who have problems getting their child to breastfeed at all, wondered what Gisele would do if they broke her “law.” According to La Leche League, only 13.3 percent of American mothers exclusively breastfed for the first six months or longer in 2007, the most recent year statistics were compiled.
“The hypocrisy is outrageous,” points out 33-year-old Manhattan mother Carolyn Castiglia, who breastfed her daughter Adriana, now 4, for two months before she had trouble producing milk, a struggle she wrote about on mommy blog strollerderby.com. “What about women who can’t breastfeed? Should they go to jail?”
Liz Gumbinner, editor of coolmompicks.com, was one of the first to coin the term “sancti-mommy” on her blog — and she knows one when she sees one.
“The last person you want passing judgment on you is a genetically flawless supermodel who gained four ounces during her pregnancy,” says the 41-year-old Brooklyn Heights mother of two."
The Bottom Line: Gisele Bundchen isn't the prototype Mom she thinks she is. If she goes to the Big Apple anytime soon, it would be a good idea to have her husband with her.
Background Intel:
NY Post: How dare this woman tell us how to raise our children
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