On top of everything else, the feminarcissists are trying to get a czar in the Obama administration complete with destructive powers. From Townhall.com:
"Based in the State Department, her statutory title will be "Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues." Her task will be to assure a "gender integration" perspective in all State Department policies and programs.
The breath-taking reach of her powers is openly stated in the bill's first section: "The Ambassador shall coordinate and advise, and where relevant lead -- (1) State Department activities and policies, including as they affect programs and funding relating to prevention and response, including gender integration and women's development internationally as relates to prevention and response."
And if that's not enough, the feminist ambassador will also be responsible for the "allocation of State Department resources" to carry out the mischief.
Reinforcing her ukases will be a "Women's Development Adviser" with a desk in the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This is the same federal agency that sent millions to a radical feminist group in India called Women Power Connect, which used U.S. taxpayers' money to lobby for a 33 percent female quota in the Indian Parliament.
The vehicle for this latest pandering to the feminist left is the International Violence Against Women Act called I-VAWA (S.2982 and H.R.4594). The lead sponsors are Sens. John Kerry and Barbara Boxer.
The bill broadly defines violence against women to include nonviolent "psychological harm," "intimidation at work," and "psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the government of the country in which the victim is a resident." Naturally, lots of taxpayers' money will be needed for so awesome a task, so the bill authorizes $1 billion over five years.
The feminist movement in the United States has never been only about changing laws alleged to be discriminatory. Feminists yearn to dictate norms and attitudes, too.
I-VAWA will provide "legal services for women," but not for men. According to the practice of our domestic Violence Against Women Act, which has been functioning in the United States since 1994, "legal services" are not just legal defense but also aggressive legal troublemaking, such as getting a restraining order to kick the husband out of the house.
If our State Department wants to help women in other countries, how about reporting to the American people about the atrocities against women committed by Muslim countries that use Shariah law. That includes forced marriages, child marriages, so-called "honor" murders, polygamy, and death by stoning as punishment for women who commit adultery.
The State Department could do something very useful by refusing to grant visas or immigrant status to anyone who supports Shariah punishments or genital mutilation of women. That would be an inexpensive way to stop a lot of violence against women."
Once again, Phyllis Schlafly is spot on. A feminarcissist czar will be on the march to destroy men, the family, and unborn babies. She will also nurture the disconnect and war between the sexes.
Background Intel:
Townhall.com: The Feminist Left Goes Global on Our Money
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