Saturday, July 31, 2010

Buy Her A Drink, Get Slapped With Sexual Assault

A great coach teaches a valuable off-court lesson. (HT NY Post)

Pictured above is Louisville Head Coach Rick Pitino. He's currently involved in an ongoing extortion case. From The NY Post:

"LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino told a jury Wednesday that a woman accused of demanding millions from him initiated sex by whispering to him and unzipping his pants in an empty Italian restaurant.

Pitino testified Wednesday that he met Karen Cunagin Sypher on July 31, 2003, at the restaurant where he'd gone following a golf outing.

Pitino, who's married, said he bought Sypher a drink and the two exchanged small talk after the restaurant closed.

When he got up to leave, Pitino said she whispered something, opened his pants and the two then had sex "very briefly."

"Unfortunate things happen," Pitino said.

Sypher is charged with extortion, asking for cash, cars and a house to stay quiet about the sexual liaison. She has pleaded not guilty, claiming Pitino sexually assaulted her. Police and prosecutors have said her assault claim lacked merit.

A packed federal courtroom watched Pitino's testimony. Sypher, sitting a few feet away at the defense table, appeared unfazed.

Bottom line: If you're married, especially in the celebrity, stay faithful. You'll get found out if you don't. In addition gotta filter out the golddiggers & users. Her persistent behavior was a big red flag.

Background Intel:

NY Post: Pitino: 'Extort' woman seduced me at restaurant

Bonus From Deadspin: FBI Criminal Complaint Against Karen Cunagin Sypher

Oregon Court: Mom Should Keep Kids Despite Testing Positive For Maijuana

The double standards continue to pour in. (HT Exposing Feminism)


"The state cannot take children away from a mother who tests positive for marijuana use without evidence that shows her drug use endangers the children, the Oregon Court of Appeals has ruled."

Of course if the father tested positive for 420, he wouldn't get visitation, much less custody. In this case the father "was a registered sex offender." She knows how to pick em'.

Background Intel: Oregon Court of Appeals rules mother who tested positive for marijuana shouldn't lose kids

Do Beer & Sex Go Hand In Hand??

The latest beer controversy. (HT

Pictured above is an Austrian beer ad. Feminarcissist groups are crying foul because "there is no connection between the beer and naked women, and that the women have been used just to “sexualize” the brews. Hirter brewers in Micheldorf claim the billboards only depict three self-confident beer drinkers."

Read & judge for yourself.

Background Intel: Group seeks ban on beer ads featuring topless women

Friday, July 30, 2010

Naughty Teachers Files Vol. III

One Naughty Teacher. (HT Huffington Post)

Pictured above is Melinda Dennehy. She just pleaded guilty to a charge she e-mailed nude photographs of herself to a 15-year-old student. From the Huffington Post:

"According to police, the ex-teacher sent 'four sexy shots of herself,' with her 'genitals exposed,' to her 15-year-old male student. The sophomore to which the photos had been sent told police that Dennehy texted him detailing sexual acts she wanted to perform with him.

CBS News adds the teenager told police his teacher "continuously sent him text messages" and "kissed him twice on two separate occasions" while at school."

Looks like teenagers aren't the only ones engaging in sexting & kissing at school.

Background Intel:

Huffington Post: Ex-Teacher Melinda Dennehy Pleads GUILTY To 'Sexting' Nude Photos To Student

Feminarcissist: Why I Love Chivalrous Guidos & Women Hitting Men Is Allowed

What men must steer clear. (HT Exposing Feminism)

Another Feminarcissist has revealed her true desires for the world to see. From The Frisky:

"I have a confession to make. I love the male cast members of MTV’s now media-saturated hit, “Jersey Shore.” I want to rub my hands over The Situation‘s abs and my fingers through Pauly D‘s hair. I want to giggle at nothing with Ronnie and hold Vinny’s hand as we stroll down the boardwalk. Ladies, listen up: guidos are catches!

I am anything but a mainstream dater. I’ve always secretly loved juiceheads, and been loved by them. Why? Because at their core, they are (Sammi?) sweethearts. Guidos operate on a code of chivalry, and I am a pro-chivalry feminist. After being shoved out of the way by businessmen for subway seats when I lived in Tokyo and being asked to buy my own drinks in New York for the past five years, I am hungry for guidos who place a high value on treating women like women. (More like a divine goddess. She's holding back.)

Hitting women is another thing—not allowed, a serious blow to the cultural code which is what made the fact that someone punched Snooki that much more shocking.

But women hitting men? That’s allowed. Are the women of the “Jersey Shore” feminists for fighting and physically demanding more of their men? Interestingly, J-Woww punched The Situation for not walking her home like a gentleman, when she obviously could defend herself. But the rule of protection still lives with guidos, and Mike violated that code. After being put in a cab after too many bad dates to remember, I’d take an old-school guido over a hipster any day."

So basically you want to be put on a pedastal and worshipped by a eunuch. Don't worry sweethart, there are plenty of those to make you happy.

Background Intel:

The Frisky: Girl Talk: Why I Prefer Dating Guidos A La “Jersey Shore”

Eunuch Guru Explains Why It Is Wise to Worship A Woman

The Holy Grail. (HT Huffington Post)

Just when I thought I've read it all, This came down the pike. Here's an excerpt. HT Huffington Post:

"At the essence of every woman's heart is the divine feminine. It contains everything that has ever been beautiful, or lovely, or inspiring, in any woman, anywhere, at any time. The very essence of every woman's heart is the peak of wisdom, the peak of inspiration, the peak of sexual desirability, the peak of soothing, healing love. The peak of everything. But it's protected, for good reason, by a series of concentric walls. To move inwardly from one wall to the next requires that you intensify your capacity to devotion, and as you do so, you are rewarded with Grace. This is not something you can negotiate verbally with a woman. She doesn't even know consciously how to open those gates herself. They are opened magically and invisibly by the keys of worship."

Many women have commented on this peice loving it. Not surprising since this is romance novel type writing. I've seen men worship women only to be divorced and financially ruined. True happiness comes from within. If you can't fill yourself up first with love, you have nothing to give anyone else. Putting women on pedestals is part of the problem, not the solution. Women dump men who do this, because they're not satisfied.

Then there's this: Love is reciprocal. There are many women living with their hearts closed. The article doesn't address that. What about women paying attention to the masculine essence? The article doesn't address that either. There are plenty of programs to help men understand women, not so many the other way around. Consequently, a lot of women don't understand men, and can't give a man what he needs.

Bottom Line: I rather live free to love than be a slave for a few crumbs of a woman's affection.

Background Intel:

Huffington Post: Why It Is Wise to Worship a Woman

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Phone Exposes Rape Fraud

What really happened at Whale Beach? (HT Sydney Morning Herald)

An 18 yeard old woman accuses a an in his 60's of rape. The man's toast, right? Not so fast, my friend. Thanks to recovered IPhone messages that were deleted, the man was able to prove his innocence.

For example, on July 24, 2009 The girl claimed she was raped. The text message tells a different story:

"Thanks again for a lovely day. I probably would have committed suicide if it wasn't for u! Thanks again you maean a lot! Sweet dreams have a good one tomorrow! I'll miss u."

Would a woman who was raped send a message like this?? In a word, no.

When asked, the girl did not want to comment. "The alleged victim had told police she did not wish to pursue the matter." I guess not, since you've been outed as a liar.

Bottom line: Women who make false rape claims should be prosecuted and jailed. When some get sent to the joint, women will get the message and stop doing it.
The moral of this lesson: Text messages are a two-edged sword. It can work both ways.

Background Intel:

Sydney Morning Herald: Rape charges dropped after deleted messages recovered from iPhone

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Naughty Teachers Files Vol. II

The Latest Naughty Female Teacher. (HT

Pictured above is Diana Eckes Canter. This 34 year old is a former English teacher at Christiansburg High School in Virginia. She's been charged on allegations that she had a sexual relationship with a male student. Another cougar - cub fling coming to light.

Background Intel:

Bad Bad Teacher: Diana Canter

Alabama Saying No To Teacher-Student Sex

Alabama. Cracking down on Teacher-Student sex. (HT

Looks like the State of Alabama has had enough of teacher sex scandals. From

"Before July 1, if the sex was consensual and the student was over 16 — the age of consent in Alabama — no crime was committed. But a law that went into effect this month makes sexual contact between a school employee and a student under 19 a felony, regardless of whether it was consensual or not.

The law also provides a misdemeanor charge for any contact short of sexual intercourse. This contact refers to any touching of the sexual or intimate parts of a student’s body and includes soliciting or harassing a student to perform a sexual act.

The law doesn’t apply to just teachers. School administrators, student teachers, safety or resource officers, coaches and other school employees are also obligated to adhere to this law."

Will this stem the tide of teacher student nooky, or will they double their efforts to keep it on the down low? Stay tuned.

Background Intel: Alabama toughens law on sex between educators, students

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Love To Kill For

The Love Triangle. (HT CBS News)

Pictured above are Sarah Ludemann, Josh Camacho and Rachel Wade. Rachel Wade (right) has been found guilty of second-degree murder for the death of Sarah Ludemann (left). Wade now faces a minimum of 20-and-a-half years in prison, and a maximum of life in prison.

Background Intel:

CBS News: Rachel Wade Guilty of Sarah Ludemann Murder; Teenage Love Triangle Verdict

A Mercy Killing For The Ages

A true Mother of The Year Candidate. (HT AP)

Pictured above is 30-year-old Saiqa Akhter. She strangled two of her children to death. The reason? In her words: "They're both not normal, not normal. They're autistic. Both are autistic. I don't want my children to be like that.... I want normal kids."

How nurturing.

Background Intel:

WTOP: Texas mom tells 911 she used wire to kill children

Women Cheaters & The Men-Do-Everthing-Wrong Card

Not buyin' it, St. Slutty. (HT The Stir)

Time to slaughter some feminarcissist sacred cows. The subject: Cheating. From the Stir, written by a woman:

"How is anyone supposed to have a healthy relationship when we have this idiotic, self-serving bias that makes women out to be saints and men to be losers no matter what they do -- even if they cheat?

An article on Why Women Cheat is just one more version of the tired old trope: When men cheat, it’s because they do everything wrong. And when women cheat ... it’s because men do everything wrong.

Oh, and by the way? I call BS. Everybody likes sex. Everybody feels emotionally isolated sometimes. We cheat for all sorts of reasons, good and bad. But some kind of innate gender-based approach to sex is not one of them.

The experts cited to support this well-loved but full-of-holes theory say things like, “[Women] are on a sinking ship and use [an affair] as a life raft because they don’t want to just jump into the cold water!” Oh, noble, noble women -- it’s not that you’re just as irresponsible as your male counterparts! It’s that you’re looking to make sure your children are cared for after you leave your marriage, because evolution told you so!

Bottom line is -- one huge wrong doesn’t make the other person 100 percent right. And you don’t get to hold up your uterus as some magical beacon of goodness. Because that’s as reductive and sexist as everything else we feminists have been fighting. A’ight? Rant over."

I love when a woman gets it. Very refreshing.

Background Intel:

The Stir: Women Cheat Because Men Do Everything Wrong?
The Stir: Ask Dad: Why Do Men Cheat?
WebMD: Why Women Cheat

Woman Shot Dead By Police After Stabbing 3 Cops

A very troubled woman. (HT Boston Herald)

Pictured above is Carol Lynn Kingsley. She was shot to death by police after she stabbed three officers with a knife. The cops were called in because according to authorities, she "had set fire to his clothes and had lunged at him with a knife". Think women aren't capable of committing DV? Think again.

Background Intel:

Boston Herald: Woman shot dead by Somerville police after stabbing 3 cops
Boston Herald: Slain Somerville woman’s mom reveals troubled past

A Sinkhole Rescue

The result of hard rain. (HT Associated Press)

Pictured above is a Cadillac Escalade that fell in a sinkhole resulting from Friday's thunderstorms. Obviously it was an ordeal for the driver to get out of that hole. Link to the rescue is below.

Background Intel:

Yahoo News: 12 News Talks With Man Who Survived Fall Into East Side Sinkhole

Thursday, July 22, 2010

LiLo Gets Red Carpet Treatment In Jail

Celebrity has its privileges. (HT NY Post)

Looks like Lindsay Lohan is under protective custody behind bars. From the NY Post:

"Jailers bent the rules for Lindsay Lohan yesterday, allowing a long visit from her mom and little sister -- further infuriating inmates angry at the special treatment she's receiving.

"At every county jail, the command staff can alter visiting depending on safety concerns," sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

The special visit surely ticked off inmates, already grumbling that Lohan was getting kid-glove treatment at the expense of everyone else.

"Every time she walks [out of her cell], they put us, the whole jail, on lockdown," said Nicole Holmes, 23, who was released yesterday after two weeks.

But Lohan's special treatment had its limits -- Britain's Daily Mirror said the starlet burst into tears after prison officials ripped out her hair extensions and forced her to remove her fake eyelashes."

I guess they had to do something to let her know she was in jail. Way to show tough love guys.

Background Intel:

NY Post: Ma visits Lohan as cons fume

UN Creates Potential Billion Dollar Feminarcissist Agency

Now more than ever. (HT Exposing Feminism):

It's a major coup for Feminarcissist groups, and a loss for men and women who are really suffering everywhere. About three weeks ago the UN General Assembly voted to consolidate four separate United Nations (UN) bodies dedicated to women’s issues into one new gender equality entity called “UN Women.” The resolution capped a victory for radical feminists who lobbied for years for the new entity and is the latest in an overall push to bring women’s issues even more onto the UN agenda.


"The Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) campaign, a coalition of radical feminist groups and abortion advocates, has relentlessly lobbied to create a UN super-agency to deal with women’s issues. Charlotte Bunch, executive director of the Centre for Women's Global Leadership and the leading advocate of the GEAR campaign, said, “We have high expectations for this new agency [...] The coalition of women’s groups and other social justice, human rights and development organizations that played a pivotal role in this effort will now turn its efforts toward ensuring that the new body has the human and financial resources necessary to succeed.”

Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women of America, told the Friday Fax, "Women need respect and opportunity, not a global agency demanding money and power for its well-heeled elitist leaders. The money would be better spent going directly to the areas and people in need with programs that have proven to work, not to another agency to empower the people who run it."

Wendy Wright nails it. This is only about empowering Charlotte Bunch and others in her elitist clique, and enslaving as many of those who aren't, especially men. Socialists are socialists first, foremost, and always. Never forget that.

Background Intel: UN Creates What May Become a Billion Dollar Agency for Radical Feminism

Female Community Organizer Sobs Her Way Out Of Jail

A Fraud in more ways than one. (HT NY Post)

Pictured above is June Persaud. She recently avoided any jail time for her role in a $10 million fraud scheme -- even though she had copped a plea for two years behind bars. From the NY Post:

"Judge George Daniels bought Persaud's sob story, sentencing her to just three years of probation and 500 hours of community service."

Can a man expect similar treatment from the court? Fat chance!!

Background Intel:

NY Post: Pol-pal fraudster weeps way out of jail

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How One Cop Played On-Duty Hooky

A famous person in certain circles. (HT Taunton Daily Gazette):

Question: what happens when you put together a strip club, a dwarf porn star (pictured above), a laser sight, and a cop on duty playing hooky? With the cop who just last month received a commendation for his work in a March murder case? You have to read it to believe it.

Background Intel:

Taunton Daily Gazette: Stoughton cop resigns after he left beat to see dwarf porn star

Monday, July 19, 2010

Chicago Ridge Woman Charged With Molesting Teen Daughter's Male Friends

The latest cougar caught.(HT WBBM-TV)

Pictured above is Cathleen Miller. She's the latest in the long string of unlawful cougar-cubs (yes, plural) trysts. From WBBM-TV:

"Cathleen M. Miller, 40, of the 5800 block of West 109th Street in Chicago Ridge, is charged with three counts of criminal sexual assault and one count of criminal sexual abuse, according to Cook County State's Attorney's office spokesman Andy Conklin. At the Bridgeview courthouse on Tuesday, Miller was ordered held on $900,000 bond, he said.

Miller, who is employed as a secretary for the Chicago Ridge Village Hall, was arrested Monday following an investigation by police and the state's attorney's office, according to Chicago Ridge police.

Between Feb. 1 and June 1, Miller held parties at her home at which she would provide teens with alcohol and marijuana, according to court records. Miller had intercourse with two of the teens, oral sex with a third and fondled a fourth, according to prosecutors, who said the boys were friends with Miller's teenage daughter.

The parents of another teen who had attended the parties figured out what was going on and contacted authorities, court records indicate. That teen was not considered a victim."

A classic case of a woman pimping herself to her daughters friends. She's not the first, she won't be the last.

Background Intel:

WBBM-TV: Woman Charged With Molesting Daughter's Friends

Sunday, July 18, 2010

From The Naughty Teachers Files

The latest Naughty Teacher. (HT

Pictured above is Taryn Fairbanks. She's reportedly being accused of having sex with a 17-year-old male student during a party at his home when his parents were out of town. What makes this story unique are court records related to the case. From

"Court records in Nevada reportedly indicate that last year, Taryn Fairbanks, then known as Taryn Stermer, married a man who graduated from Kentlake High School in 2003 while she was a teacher at the school.

Because both were adults when they married and because Fairbanks’ estranged husband, who is now 24, was no longer a student at the school, there were are no allegations of misconduct.

Seattle Public Schools spokeswoman Teresa Wippel said the district was unaware Fairbanks had married a former student."

Must be a "Don't ask don't tell" policy in place. I don't know how else they could have missed that.

Background Intel:

BadBadTeacher: Taryn Fairbanks

Mom Builds Website To Find Dates For Her Eunuch Son

What a man shouldn't aspire to be. (HT

Just when you think you've seen it all, this shows up. A woman and her 31 year old son are interviewed by Neil Cavuto about the website she built to find her son dates. The goal is marriage, let's be real. She wants the grandkids. She wants more family. He's had some takers, so we'll see. The parts I disliked the most were when Cavuto says he's the problem and implies he's afraid of commitment. Hey Neil, did it ever occur to you that there are no great women out there for him to commit to? Great women are rare which is why a man keeps her in his life if he comes across one.

Link to the video is below. Prepare to be disgusted by the emasculation.

Background Intel:

Fox News: 'Date My Single Kid'

Welcome To Adland, Where All Men Are Morons

What Ad campaigns think of Men. (HT

This is conformation of what I've known for a long time now. From the Sydney Morning Herald:

"I have no doubt that women have historical and ongoing problems about their portrayal in advertising, particularly being sexually objectified. I remember such scandals as the sexist Windsor Smith shoe ads (pictured below), which showed women placed close to men's crotches as if about to perform a lewd act.

But along with the creeping sexualisation of women has come the creeping moronification of men. If the default position in advertising for women is sex object, then the default position for men is that of imbecile.

Men used to be depicted as heroic characters in ads, products being the rewards for their manly efforts. "You got to work it hard, to be a Solo man. You're gonna take the lead and let the others follow," crowed the voice-over as our champion braved rapids in a canoe to be rewarded with a frosty, refreshing Solo at the end. "You can get it walkin'! You can get it talkin! You can get it working a plough! Matter o' fact I've got it now! Victoria Bitter! . . ." went the beer ad, run along with images of hard-working men engaged in back-breaking, yet satisfying, endeavours, the VB being the prize for their labours.

Today's ads don't seem to give a tinker's cuss about the nobility of men's endeavours. Men are no longer heroes but consumers. Worse, they're idiots. They might as well be saying, "Hey, dickhead! We don't care about your job and who you are! You're a worthless, interchangeable cog in the capitalist system! Catch!" as a six-pack is hurtled towards some poor bloke's melon.

Just as the soul-destroying messages in women's magazines are crafted by their female staff, so too are the negative messages about men crafted overwhelming by men in advertising agencies. For some reason, they have deduced that delivering a psychic kick to men's testicles is the best way to sell a whole host of products.

"Darwin was right," our faceless adman might say, "men are descended from apes! APES!"

"So let's treat them as the knuckledraggers they are," his pony-tailed sidekick might respond.

So it goes. The evidence is everywhere."

A great example of this misandry is the latest round of Miller Lite beer commercials. I get more angry watching those than if a player on the team I'm rooting for makes a bad play. Way to insult your customers, especially since men consume 72.8% of beer in this country.

Background Intel:

Sydney Morning Herald: Welcome to adland, where all men are morons

Canadian Mom Strangles Daughter & Gets No Jail Time

A Potential Mother of The Year Candidate. (HT

Pictured above is Aset Magomadova. She strangled her 14 year old daughter after her daughter supposedly came at her with a knife. However there's a problem. According to "A knife was found in the room, but the daughter’s fingerprints were not on it."

Obviously this decision has caused a furor. Here's what one of the biggest critics said:

“I really strongly disagree. It sends a massively huge message to the rest of the country and the world that her daughter’s life was valueless,” said Joe Wamback, co-founder and chairman of the Canadian Crime Victims Foundation.

“Even though this girl may have been a handful and trouble, that’s not the issue. The issue is human life. Sentencing is not just about the criminal, but has to speak for the victim and to denunciation.”

Here's my question: Would the same sentence be handed out if it was the father strangled her? I doubt it. This is yet another instance where a woman isn't held accountable for her actions. In the leftist Court system/worldview, with it's thou shalt not punish the perp template, if baby killing (abortion) is legal, what's the difference it the kid's a few years older??

Background Intel: Outrage over ruling that mom who strangled daughter won’t be jailed

Thursday, July 15, 2010

UK Government Spreads World Cup DV Lies Trashing Men In The Process

The Union Jack. Flag of an island of Misandry?

In a fashion similar to the Superbowl hoax of 1993, The British Goverment has staged a DV hoax regarding the World Cup event. From National Review:

"According to a May 25 press release by England’s Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), “cases of domestic abuse increase by nearly 30% on England match days.” The shocking 30 percent figure was from a study prepared and publicized by the British Home Office. Determined to stem the assaults, officials flooded pubs and the airwaves with graphic warnings. “Don’t let the World Cup leave its mark on you,” warned a poster distributed by the West Yorkshire Police (below). It showed the bare back of a cowering woman marked by bruises, cuts, and the imprint of a man’s shoe.

Could the World Cup Abuse Nightmare be a copycat fraud?

“A stunt based on misleading figures,” is the verdict of BBC legal commentator Joshua Rozenberg and producer Wesley Stephenson. They recently investigated the alleged link between the televised World Cup games and violence in the home for their weekly program Law in Action. On June 22 — day twelve of the 2010 World Cup — they aired the story. It included an interview with a prominent Cambridge University statistician, Sheila Bird, whom they had asked to review the Home Office study and its finding of a 30 percent increase in domestic abuse. She found it to be so amateurish and riddled with flaws that it could not be taken seriously. The 30 percent claim was based on a cherry-picked sample of police districts; it failed to correct for seasonal differences and essentially ignored match days that showed little or no increase in domestic violence. Professor Bird also noted that improved police practices can lead to increased reports of violence but do not necessarily indicate more violence. A telltale sign that something is amiss in the Home Office is that it also disseminates the claim that “one in four women will be a victim of domestic violence.” That impossibly high figure may be the result of a rather expansive definition of “domestic violence” — which includes not only physical and sexual violence but also emotional and “financial” abuse.

Those behind the exaggerated crisis are not going to recant in the face of mere facts. When the BBC investigators presented Carmel Napier, the deputy chief constable of Gwent, with the evidence that the study she and her colleagues were promoting was specious, she replied: “If it has saved lives, then it is worth it.”

Bottom Line: Hoaxes like this put real DV victims in more danger, not less. The UK goverment has sactioned misandry, very disappointing. Venues may change, the lies and misandry stays the same.

Background Intel:

National Review: The World Cup Abuse Nightmare

Lesbian Prison Gangs Can't Wait To Get Hands On Lindsay Lohan

The Target. (HT Sublime Femme)

Lindsay Lohan was already terrified at the prospect of going to jail. That terror has increased exponentially as she hears about her welcoming party. From Fox News:

"Inmates told The Sun of the brutal conditions inside the prison, where Lohan's A-list neighbors reportedly will be replaced with tough guards and fearsome lesbian gangs desperate to get their hands on her.

And from her future neighbors' graphic accounts of life inside, it is clear why she is so desperate to wriggle out of her sentence.

Tamara Haley, 38, is doing time for heroin possession and prostitution.

She said Monday: "Everyone will want a piece of her. It will make them famous if they hurt Lindsay Lohan.

"Or if you get her to cry, the whole ward will laugh and people will love it -- even the guards." Haley also warned bisexual Lindsay of the jail's lesbian gangs -- and offered advice on how to avoid their clutches.

She said: "The gay inmates wear their shirts inside out to let others know they are available. "So if Lindsay doesn't want someone to grab her ass she'd better keep her shirt on straight. "Women grab each other like animals when the guards aren't looking. It's disgusting."

"I've been in segregation and it was rough. The lights are on the whole time. You hear people screaming all night long. The cells are filthy and kept brutally cold. You get one tiny blanket and that's it.

"There's an infection going around now. You can barely sleep at night from all the coughing. And there are girls with body lice."

Looks like LiLo's gonna need all the help she can get.

Background Intel:

Fox News: Lesbian Prison Gangs Waiting to Get Hands on Lindsay Lohan, Inmate Says

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

All This Over Ironing??

The dreaded chore.

Recently a man held his mother hostage. Not over money, but over clothes that weren't ironed. I didn't believe it either until I read it.

Background Intel:

Denver Post: Cops: Man holds his mom hostage for not ironing

Going Out On A High

The Former Nanny. (HT UK Daily Mail):

Pictured above is Nicola Paginton. She was found dead in her bed. They say she died because of her state of sexual excitement and arousal. What, you thought it could only happen to men? Think again peeps!

Background Intel:

UK Daily Mail: Nanny, 30, died from sexual arousal while watching pornography

The Land Of Misandry??

Could the Land of Lincoln be the Land of Misandry??

What can happen to someone (read:men)in Illinois if they don't pay child support? O let me count the ways. From KYZ Law P.C.:

Those that do not pay support, even if one payment is missed, may face severe punishments. The bullet points are as follows:

suspend an IL driver’s license
impound a vehicle;
suspend or deny you a passport;
intercept tax refunds;
tapping into retirement or pension plans;
suspend or revoke an IL professional license or occupational certificate;
denial of hunting and fishing licenses;
intercepting lottery winnings;
private collection agencies;
consumer reporting and publication of deadbeat parents.

The powers that be also don't hesitate using operations to ruond up several men at a time,ironically around Father's day. In this case Illinois puts feminarcissists in a happy state.

Background Intel (Thanks TD For the link!):

KYZ Law: What Will Happen If You Don’t Pay Child Support?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Home Games: Play Ball, Live With Mom & Dad

The Major Leagues. (HT WSJ)

Pictured Above is Pitcher Tyson Ross of the Oakland A's. He makes the MLB minimum $400K annual salary. What makes him different from the majority of MLB players is that he still lives with Mom and Dad. That disgusts me. This guy hasn't grown up yet, and we all know what most women think of men who still live with their parents. C'mon Tyson, man up! Otherwise sone people will think you have what's pictured below in your locker:

Background Intel:

WSJ: Home Games: Big League Players Who Still Live With Mother

Women Of The Daily Show Put Feminarcissists In Their Places

The Women Of The Daily Show. (HT NY Observer)

There has been on ongoing feud between The Daily Show and the Jezebel website. From the NY Observer:

It all started about two weeks ago, when Jezebel's Irin Carmon posted a long investigation concluding that The Daily Show had a "Woman Problem." The show was a boys' club, she wrote, but had been given a pass because of its liberal politics and its host's reputation as a "lovable mensch." Readers responded. Carmon rebutted their "unconvincing excuses." And now, the women of The Daily Show have issued a response:

We must admit it is entertaining to be the subjects of such a vivid and dramatic narrative. However, while rampant sexism at a well-respected show makes for a great story, we want to make something very clear: the place you may have read about is not our office.

The Daily Show isn't a place where women quietly suffer on the sidelines as barely tolerated tokens. On the contrary: just like the men here, we're indispensable. We generate a significant portion of the show's creative content and the fact is, it wouldn't be the show that you love without us.

Naturally, as they are the women of The Daily Show, they have an advantage when it comes to zippy rejoinders:

PS. Thanks for the list of funny women. Our Nanas send us a ton of suggestions about "what would make a great skit for The John Daley Show." We'll file it right next to those.

PPS. Thanks to the male writers who penned this for us.

A third party has weighed in on the feud. Emily Gould of Slate stated the following:

"It's a prime example of the feminist blogosphere's tendency to tap into the market force of what I've come to think of as "outrage world"--the regularly occurring firestorms stirred up on mainstream, for-profit, woman-targeted blogs like Jezebel and also, to a lesser degree, Slate's own XX Factor and Salon's Broadsheet. They're ignited by writers who are pushing readers to feel what the writers claim is righteously indignant rage but which is actually just petty jealousy, cleverly marketed as feminism. These firestorms are great for page-view-pimping bloggy business. But they promote the exact opposite of progressive thought and rational discourse, and the comment wars they elicit almost inevitably devolve into didactic one-upsmanship and faux-feminist cliché."

I'm glad to see women calling feminarcissists. This need to happen a lot more often if the rift between the sexes will ever be resolved.

Background Intel:

NY Observer: Jezebel v. Jon Stewart: The Women of The Daily Show Fire Back

Man Uses Sex Tape To Expose False Rape Charge

In a real life Sex, Lies, and Videotape drama, a man in New Zeland secretly filmed himself having sex. He later used that footage to clear himself of a rape charge. In his case it pays to be a voyeur.

Background Intel:

Stuff New Zeland: Man uses sex tape to clear his name

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Press Conference That Didn't Go Well

This is OK. Just don't flex your pimp hand. (HT

After a round of golf to tune up for the British Open, Tiger had a presser that didn't go well. Here are some lowlights:

"When asked whether his liaisons with other women had been "worth it" since it cost him his marriage and endorsements, Woods replied, "I think you're looking too deep into this." He torpedoed the follow-up question with an icily firm "Thank you."

Gotta love the UK press, they'll ask the hard-hitting questions the US media won't. The Story speaks for itself.

Background Intel:

ESPN Golf: Woods cool to personal questions

Inflatable Killer Whale Saves Man From Bengal Tiger

Close Call. (HT UK Daily Mail)

After a slip and fall, a trainer in Arizona uses an inflatable Killer Whale to escape being mauled by a Bengal Tiger. A Great story with more pics in the link below.

Background Intel:

UK Daily Mail: Saved by an inflatable killer whale: Trainer has lucky escape after slipping while 'playing' with a white Bengal tiger

The Mother of all inventions

A true testement of Yankee Ingenuity. (HT Wikipedia)

On this day in 1928, the mother of all inventions was introduced to the public.

Background Intel:

Wikipedia: Sliced bread

31 Going On 14

Does this look like a 14 year old boy?? (HT Dayton Daily News)

Pictured above is Patricia Dye. She was arrested for unlawful sexual conduct with and corruption of a 16-year-old Springboro girl in late May at the girl’s home. She posed as a 14 year old boy, She's actually 31.

Background Intel:

Dayton Daily News: Woman allegedly poses as boy, solicits sex from Springboro teen

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

British Airways: You're A Man, You're A Pervert

The Anti-Male Airline. (HT Tickets En Linge)

From The National Post:

In an interesting news item out of Britain, a man has received about £3,000 in costs and damages combined for sex discrimination by British Airways (BA).

Mirko Fischer, 33, and his pregnant wife were on a London to Luxembourg flight in April 2009. Deciding she preferred the window, she exchanged her middle seat with her husband, thus seating him adjacent to a child travelling alone.

A flight attendant, who later claimed ignorance of the fact that Mr. Fischer was with his wife, informed him that he must return to his original seat, as it was BA policy not to allow adult men to sit next to an unaccompanied minor. After some discussion, Mr. Fischer did ultimately return to his seat, unwilling to make a spectacle of himself, but felt “embarrassed, humiliated and angry.”

For its part, BA conceded fault in not realizing Mr. Fischer was with his wife, but defended the general policy. A spokesman said, “We had 75,000 children fly with us last year and it is an issue we take very seriously.”

BA is not the only airline with that policy. It’s a common practice. In a September 2007 post in these pages in which I mused over airline inconsistencies in profiling discrimination — yes to all adult men, no to potential terrorists — I quoted an expert witness in aviation disputes: “You have to make generalizations for the safety of a child.” She cited what is apparently a well-known adage in airline circles: “No regulation in aviation takes effect without somebody’s blood on it.”

The only inference to draw from that statement is that unaccompanied minors have been physically abused on airplanes by adult men in the past, and therefore the policy is well justified. If that is indeed the case, then airlines have opened the door in principle to profiling in general. This isn’t 1954, after all, when any man in a business suit is considered trustworthy. The opposite. No men are “innocent” any more, not even the 99% of decent men to whom it would never occur to be anything but protective to a child alone. All are suspect in society’s eyes, even though something like 20% of sexual abuse is perpetrated on children by women.

Bottom line: To paraphrase James Brown, this is a anti-man's world.

Background Intel:

National Post: Barbara Kay: You’re male. You must be a pervert

Al Gore's Masseuse Wants To Be Paid

What have I done?? (HT NY Post)

Al Gore's "abuse masseuse" wants a million dollars to dish the dirt. Any guesses as to who'll cough up the cash??

Background Intel:

NY Post: Al Gore 'abuse' masseuse eyes $1M to talk

Nudist Beach In Seattle??

Could this happen is Seattle??

A push is being made for a clothing optional beach in Seattle. According to Mark Storey, member of the Naturist Action Committee, "With miles of coastline in Washington state and the number of city parks in Seattle, I suspect there should be some small spot where some citizens should be able to enjoy skinny dipping."

When asked, "some beachgoers say they would be offended to share a beach with nudists, others say as long as the nude sunbathers stay in their designated area, they should be given that option."

Stay tuned.

Background Intel: Nudists want Seattle beach

A Unique Wedding Proposal

One Tough Race.

Recently a man asked a woman to marry him. No big deal. This story made the blog because instead of a yes or no, he will get a yes if he completes an Ironman competition. The eunuch's response? "I don't' care if I have to crawl across the finish line. I'm going to get there".

I'd drop her on the spot, and so would a number of others who commented on this article. Read it and see for yourself.

Background Intel: Fiancee will say 'I do' if boyfriend completes Ironman

A Change In Beer Tasting

Here's an interesting stat on beer: Men drink 72.8% of all beer consumed, yet women are increasingly deciding how the finished product will taste. Maybe America really is a woman's nation.

Background Intel:

WSJ: No Glass Ceiling for the Best Job in Whole World

Husband Killing Is Legal In Australia

A Cold Blooded Killer. (HT Australian News Commentary)

Pictured above is Susan Falls leaving court after she was acquitted of murdering her husband. She played the DV card to get off the hook after she saw another woman do the same thing, making her a copycat. If the genders were reversed, they would either have him under the jail, or on death row.

Background Intel:

Australian News Commentary: Domestic violence: court affirms license to kill as
another "battered woman" walks free after execution-style murder of husband

What Some Businesses Do For Revenue

The Hospital. (HT

A hospital in the UK rented out one of its wards to a filming company. The production "generated substantial income for the hospital". I think they should do a better job of vetting who they do business with.

Background Intel:

BBC: 'Big budget' porn film shot in London hospital

Taser Happy Cops Are A Growing Problem

Taser Cop. (HT Sydney Morning Herald):

Looks like taser happy cops aren't just an American Phenomonon. Cops overseas have abused the priviledge as well. I certainly wouldn't recommend using one on a suicidal man doused in gasoline.

Background Intel:

Sydney Morning Herald: Taser abuse covered up by police

So Nice, She Did It Twice

A woman made an encore performance by crashing her car into a liquor store for the second time (not pictured above). She said her brakes gave out. I wonder if a man did this would his identity be revealed.

Background Intel:

WSB: Woman Crashes Into Liquor Store...Again

I Love You, Now Sign On The Dotted Line

Ah, Marriage.

It seems that baby boomers are signing prenups in droves. Getting their portfolios hammered has provided a big incentive to protect the assets they have left. More and more it seems that love comes second to money.

Background Intel:

WSJ: I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Sign Here

Friday, July 2, 2010

Biggest Divorce Payout Ever

The Happy Family. (HT Associated Depressed):

It's the biggest payout ever: $750M for Elin's silence on the whole ordeal. While Elin may be quiet her gal pals sure aren't. for example, one of then said, "Tiger's main fear is her telling her story after he's rebuilt his reputation, sending him back to the gutter."

Elin ended up with double the sum she originally sought, after her lawyers proved Tiger was worth much more than she thought.

Her friend explained: "Elin's legal team have done a great job digging up all sorts of assets.

"The price of the huge sum is her silence: no interviews, tell-all books, or TV appearances about this for the rest of her life -- even if Tiger dies first -- or she'll lose the lot."

This divorce will have many ramifications like the following:

1. This will deter more men from marriage - the cost of failure is too high.
2. Marriage rates will continue to decline. In the US, more households are headed by single people than married people. Never happened before.
3. This will lead to more animostity between the sexes. As if there weren't enough of that already.
4. Divorce lawyers will get all the more aggressive.

Must Read Background Intel:

Fox News: Elin Nordegren Gets $750M, Custody of Kids in Exchange for Silence in Tiger Woods Divorce

Obama: Our First Female President

What the clitorati always wanted. (HT Ms. Magazine):

It's offical: Barack Hussein Obama is the first Female President. His PR wing at the Washington Compost has declared it. The article really speake for itself.

Background Intel:

Washington Compost: Obama: Our first female president